Sebastiano Ferrari started violin making in 2009, he began his studies at the Milan Violin Making School. He graduated with honour under the guidance of Paola Vecchio, Gabriele Negri, Lorenzo Rossi and Professor Claudio Canevari. During the last year of school he did an internship in a violin maker workshop.
Thanks to Professor Claudio Canevari he had the opportunity to collaborate on several projects in collaboration with the Arvedi Laboratory in the University of Pavia and Violin Museum of Cremona (
In 2014 he won a scholarship, awarded by the Cologni Foundation for Art and Crafts, for a collaborative project with the Scientific Laboratories of the Violin Museum of Cremona.
From 2016 to 2019 he teaches in the Violin Making School of Milan, managing the construction and varnishing classes.
Since 2022 he teaches in the San Filippo Violin Making Academy in Turin, managing the Violin Making Course and Cello Making Masterclass.
Workshop and projects:
Acoustic measurement in workshop; measurement of violin sound spectrum; fingerboard, tailpiece and bridge intonation; diagnosis problems and instrument characterization through rigidity and weight.
Relator: George Stoppani.
(Cremona 2013)
The strings influence in bow instruments.
Relator: Franz Klanner (Thomastik-Infeld technician)
(Cremona 2013)
Varnish studies in historical Italian bow instruments; macro and microscopic analysis on wood samples at different stages of varnishing.
Relator: Brigitte Brandmair, curator of โStradivari Varnishโ book.
(Cremona 2013).
โKnowledge for conservationโ. International science workshop on bow musical instruments.
โขMarco Malagodi: University of Pavia, Arvedi Research Laboratory, scientific consultant.
โขClaudio Canevari: University of Pavia, Arvedi Research Laboratory, scientific consultant, Violin Making school of Milan.
โขAugusto Sarti: teacher of electronics and information department of Polytechnic University of Milan.
โขGianni Ferretti: Vice rector of Polo territoriale di Cremona, Polytechnic University of Milan.
โขMats Tinnsten: Mid-Sweden University.
โขEnrico Ravina: University of Genoa.
โขJean Philippe Echad: Researcher in the restoration laboratory of Museum of Music in Paris
โขJayson Dobney: musical Instruments curator at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.
โขFrank P. Bar: Director of instrument collection in the Nuremberg Musical Instrument Museum.
โขArian Sheets: Curator of stringed instruments collection in the National Museum of Music (University of South Dakota)
(Cremona 2013)
Collaboration on the project, conducted by the Arvedi Research Laboratory hosted by University of Pavia, for materials classification used in linings and filling of Neapolitan mandolins from half of eighteenth century. Photos of analysis and samples withdrawals for subsequent analysis with electron microscopy and spectroscopy (SEM-EDS), micro-fluorescence (Microft-IR) and stratigraphy.
(Pavia 2013)
Collaboration on the project, conducted by Polytechnic University of Milan, hosted in Violin Museum of Cremona: investigation and ontologies studies for classification of sound.
(Cremona 2014)
Collaboration on the project, conducted by Polytechnic University of Milan and Arvedi Research Laboratory, hosted in Violin Museum of Cremona: looking for correlations between the structural elements of the violin with the timbre and acoustic of the instrument.
(Cremona 2014)
Violas of Antonio Stradivari at Museo del Violino
Relators:Bruno Giuranna and Bruce Carlson.
(Cremona 2015)
Instruments by Guarneri del Gesu at Museo del Violino.
Relator: Gregg Alf
(Cremona 2015)
Instruments of Giovanni Battista Guadagnini at Museo del Violino.
Relator: Eric Blot
(Cremona 2015)
Violin arching design and construction method by Robert Zuger.
Relator: Robert Zuger
(Cremona 2017)
Warranty and maintenance
The instrument will be provided with a certificate of authenticity, it contains the technical characteristics of the instrument, photographs and the materials provenance.
To achieve all the necessary setup and to ensure the optimal instrument performance, a support period with the musician is granted. The musician will be guided in routine controls and maintenance operations, to ensure the proper functioning of all parts of the instrument.
Different kind of instruments are available for rent, for the needs of students and professionals.
(For more information fill the contact form)
With the aim of creating a โgreen workshopโ and to minimize the environmental impact produced by this job, several ethic choices are applied:
– The workshop is exclusively powered by solar energy, wind energy is used for website hosting;
– All commonly used paper are recycled or comes from certified FSC sources;
– Whenever possible, woods used in the construction process comes from certified forests;
– The varnishes used for the instruments are only made from natural raw materials (alcohol or oil based varnish with resins and gum) ;
– Every time an instrument is sold, 2% of its value is given for reforestation. One of these three different organization can be chosen for a donation. (Once the donation is made, you will receive a certificate from the organization of your choice)
Protecting nature. Preserving life.
The Nature Conservancy mission is to conserve the lands and waters on which all life depends. Our vision is a world where the diversity of life thrives, and people act to conserve nature for its own sake and its ability to fulfill our needs and enrich our lives.
Plant-a-tree partner.
It helps communities around the world in planting trees, through seed distribution, agroforestry training and in-country technical assistance. Till now the organization has planted over 65 million trees worldwide in 30 countries and has served over 11,000 villages around the world.
Saving rainforest. Protecting life.
By providing land, training, capital and equipment, this organization aims to protect lands that conserve threatened species and endangered ecosystems.
mobile: +39 3338815421
or you can fill the form below.
You can find me here: Via Accademia delle Scienze 11, (in front of the Egyptian Museum), 10123 Torino TO (Italy IT)ย Get directions here
Terms and conditions
All elements of this website are protected by copyright, trade marking, moral rights and other laws relating to intellectual property rights. No part of this website, unless permitted within another agreement, may be copied or retransmitted by any means.
This site is designed for Chrome. Firefox and Safari are good, but the site has some issue with them. Microsoft Edge, well, you know…. please don’t use it. Just don’t.
Sebastiano Ferrari si รจ avvicinato alla liuteria nel 2009 allโetร di diciannove anni, iniziando gli studi presso la Civica Scuola di Liuteria del Comune di Milano. Sotto la guida dei maestri Paola Vecchio, Gabriele Negri, Lorenzo Rossi e del professor Claudio Canevari si รจ diplomato con il massimo dei voti.
Durante lโultimo anno scolastico ha svolto un tirocinio presso un laboratorio di liuteria di Cremona.
Grazie al professore Claudio Canevari ha avuto modo di collaborare attivamente a diversi progetti condotti dal Laboratorio Arvedi presso lโUniversitร di Pavia e il Museo del Violino di Cremona (
Nel 2014 ha vinto una borsa di studio assegnata dalla Fondazione Cologni per i mestieri dโarte, con lโobbiettivo di condurre un progetto di collaborazione con i Laboratori Scientifici del Museo del Violino di Cremona.
Dal 2016 alย 2019 insegna presso la Civica Scuola di Liuteria del Comune di Milano, gestendo i corsi di costruzione e verniciatura.
Dal 2022 insegna all’Accademia di Liuteria San Filippo di Torino, dirigendo il Corso di costruzione di strumenti ad arco e la Masterclass di costruzione del violoncello.
Seminari e progetti:
Misure acustiche nella pratica di laboratorio, misure di radiazione dello spettro sonoro del violino, intonazione della tastiera, cordiera e ponticello, diagnosi dei problemi e caratterizzazione dello strumento in termini di rigiditร e peso. (Cremona 2013) Relatore: George Stoppani.
L’influenza delle corde negli strumenti ad arco.
(Cremona 2013) Relatore: Franz Klanner tecnico della ditta Thomastik-Infeld.
Presentazione degli studi sulla vernice negli strumenti ad arco storici dei liutai italiani, analisi macro e microscopica su campioni di legno a differenti stadi di verniciatura.
(Cremona 2013) Relatrice:Brigitte Brandmair, curatrice del libro โStradivari Varnishโ.
Conoscenza per la conservazione, workshop internazionale sulla scienza e strumenti musicali ad arco. (Cremona 2013)
Marco Malagodi: Universitร degli studi di Pavia, Laboratorio Arvedi dโindagini non invasive
Claudio Canevari: consulente scientifico
Augusto Sarti: Politecnico di Milano, docente Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informazione
Gianni Ferretti: Politecnico di Milano, prorettore Polo territoriale di Cremona
Mats Tinnsten: Mid-Sweden University
Enrico Ravina: Universitร degli studi di Genova
Jean Philippe Echad: Ricercatore nel laboratorio di ricerca e restauro del Museo della musica di Parigi
Jayson Dobney: Curatore degli strumenti musicali al Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
Frank P. Bar: Direttore della collezione degli strumenti musicali del museo di Norimberga
Arian Sheets: Curatrice degli strumenti a corda della collezione del Museo Nazionale della Musica (Universitร del Sud Dakota)
Collaborazione al progetto, condotto dal Laboratorio Arvedi di Pavia, per la classificazione dei materiali utilizzati nei filetti e negli stucchi dei mandolini napoletani di metร 700.
Fotografie di analisi e prelevamento campioni per successive analisi in microscopia elettronica e spettroscopia (SEM-EDS), microfluorescenza (microFT-IR) e stratigrafia.
Collaborazione in corso al progetto condotto dal comitato scientifico del politecnico di Milano operante nel Museo del Violino di Cremona, riguardante l’investigazione percettiva e costruzione di ontologie relative alla classificazione delle percezioni sonore.
Collaborazione in corso al progetto condotto dal comitato scientifico del Museo del Violino di Cremona, con lo scopo di cercare le correlazioni fra gli elementi costruttivi del violino e le caratteristiche timbriche e acustiche dello strumento.
Viole di Antonio Stradivari presso il Museo del Violino.
Relatori:Bruno Giuranna and Bruce Carlson.
(Cremona 2015)
Strumenti di Guarneri del Gesรน presso il Museo del Violino.
Relatore: Gregg Alf
(Cremona 2015)
Strumenti di Giovanni Battista Guadagnini presso il Museo del Violino.
Relatore: Eric Blot
(Cremona 2015)
Violin arching design and construction method by Robert Zuger.
Relatore: Robert Zuger
(Cremona 2017)
Garanzia e manutenzione
Lo strumento sarร accompagnato da un certificato di autenticitร come garanzia, contenente le caratteristiche tecniche dello strumento, le fotografie e luogo di provenienza dei diversi materiali.
Per assicurare la migliore resa dello strumento, viene garantito un periodo di assistenza al musicista, nel quale verranno effettuate tutte le messe a punto necessarie. Il musicista, potrร essere accompagnato nelle operazioni necessarie alla manutenzione ordinaria e ai controlli atti a garantire il corretto funzionamento di tutte le parti dello strumento.
Su richiesta, sono disponibili strumenti in affitto, per le esigenze degli studenti o dei professionisti.
(Per ulteriori informazioni usare il modulo di contatto)
Con lโobbiettivo di creare un โgreen workshopโ e di ridurre al minimo lโimpatto ambientale prodotto da questo lavoro, vengono applicate diverse scelte etiche:
Il laboratorio รจ alimentato esclusivamente da energia solare, il sito internet da energia eolica;
Tutta la carta di comune utilizzo รจ di riciclo o di fonti FSC certificate;
Quando possibile, (non sempre purtroppo), si impiega legno proveniente da foreste controllate con certificazione;
Le vernici applicate sullo strumento derivano unicamente da materie prime naturali(vernici ad alcool o olio a base di resine e gomme);Ogni qual volta uno strumento viene venduto, il 2% del suo valore, viene destinato alla riforestazione.
Come Partners sono state scelte tre diverse fondazioni, che si occupano principalmente di riforestare zone distrutte dallโuomo o da calamitร naturali e di tutelare la biodiversitร del pianeta. (Al momento della donazione si riceverร un certificato dalla fondazione scelta)
Protecting nature. Preserving life.
The mission of The Nature Conservancy is to conserve the lands and waters on which all life depends. Our vision is a world where the diversity of life thrives, and people act to conserve nature for its own sake and its ability to fulfill our needs and enrich our lives.
Plant-a-tree partner.
It helps communities around the world in planting trees, through seed distribution, agroforestry training and in-country technical assistance. Till now the organization has planted over 65 million trees worldwide in 30 countries and has served over 11,000 villages around the world.
Saving rainforest. Protecting life.
By providing land, training, capital and equipment, this organization aims to protect lands that conserve threatened species and endangered ecosystems.
mobile: +39 3338815421
or you can use the form below.
You can find me here: Via Accademia delle Scienze 11, (di fronte al Museo Egizio), 10123 Torino TO (Italy IT)ย Get directions here
Terms and conditions
All elements of this website are protected by copyright, trade marking, moral rights and other laws relating to intellectual property rights. No part of this website, unless permitted within another agreement, may be copied or retransmitted by any means.
This site is designed for Chrome. Firefox and Safari are good, but the site has some issue with them. Microsoft Edge, well, you know…. please don’t use it. Just don’t.
Sebastiano Ferrari a dรฉcouvert la lutherie en 2009, commenรงant ses รฉtudes ร la Civica Scuola di Liuteria de Milan. Sous la direction des maรฎtres Paola Vecchio, Gabriele Negri, Lorenzo Rossi et du professeur Claudio Canevari, il obtint son diplรดme avec les honneurs.
Lors de la derniรจre annรฉe scolaire, il fit un stage auprรจs un atelier de luthiรจre.
Grรขce au professeur Claudio Canevari il eut la possibilitรฉ de collaborer activement ร divers projets menรฉs par le laboratoire Arvedi ร lโUniversitรฉ de Pavie et le Musรฉe du Violon de Crรฉmone (
En 2014, il obtient une bourse dโรฉtude attribuรฉe par la Fondation Cologni pour les Mรฉtiers dโArt, dans lโobjectif de mener ร bien un projet de collaboration avec les laboratoires scientifiques du Musรฉe du Violon de Crรฉmone.
Depuis 2022, il enseigne ร l’Acadรฉmie de lutherie San Filippo de Turin, dirigeant le cours de construction d’instruments ร cordes et la Masterclass de construction du violoncelle.
Garantie et manutention
Lโinstrument sera accompagnรฉ dโun certificat dโauthenticitรฉ comme garantie, contenant les caractรฉristiques techniques de lโinstrument, les photographies et le lieu de provenance des divers matรฉriaux.
Pour assurer la meilleure performance ร lโinstrument, une pรฉriode dโassistance est garantie au musicien, dans laquelle tous les rรฉglages nรฉcessaires seront effectuรฉs. Le musicien pourra etre accompagnรฉ dans les opรฉrations nรฉcessaires ร la manutention ordinaire et aux contrรดles qui garantissent le fonctionnement correct de toutes les parties de lโinstrument.
Des instruments ร louer sont disponibles, pour les besoins des รฉtudiants et des professionnels.
(Pour majeures informations, utiliser le module de contact)
Dans lโobjectif de crรฉer un โgreen workshopโ et de rรฉduire au minimum lโimpact environnemental relatif ร ce travail, plusieurs choix รฉthiques sont appliquรฉs:
Le laboratoire est alimentรฉ exclusivement ร รฉnergie solaire, le site internet ร รฉnergie รฉolienne;
Tout le papier dโutilisation commune est de recyclage ou de source FSC certifiรฉ;
Quand cela est possible, lโatelier emploie du bois provenant de forรชts contrรดlรฉes avec certification;
Les vernis appliquรฉs sur lโinstrument dรฉrivent uniquement de matiรจres premiรจres naturelles (vernis ร alcool ou huile ร base de rรฉsines et gommes);
Dรจs lors quโun instrument est vendu, 2% de sa valeur est destinรฉ ร la reforestation. Comme Partners, trois diffรฉrentes fondations ont รฉtรฉ choisies, qui sโoccupent principalement de reforester des zones dรฉtruites par lโHomme ou par des catastrophes naturelles et de tuteler la biodiversitรฉ de la planรจte. (Au moment de la donation, le musicien obtiendra un certificat de la fondation choisie.)
Protecting nature. Preserving life.
Sa mission est celle de โconserver la terre et lโeau, desquelles la vie dรฉpendโ. Elle a une approche scientifique ร la conservation, sรฉlectionnant les zones ร prรฉserver selon des analyses effectuรฉes, dans le but รฉgalement de planter des vรฉgรฉtations adaptรฉes pour garantir la conservation des plantes locales, animaux et รฉcosystรจmes.
Plant-a-tree partner.
Elle a pour but dโaider les communautรฉs rurales du monde entier dans la plantation dโarbres, ร travers la distribution de sรฉmences, formations agroforestales, et assistance technique des pays. A ce jour, elle a plantรฉ plus de 65 millions dโarbres dans le monde entier et a servi plus de 11.000 villages.
Saving rainforest. Protecting endangered life.
Son objectif est de protรฉger les terres qui prรฉservent des espรจces en voie dโextinction et รฉcosystรจmes menacรฉs, acheter parcelles de terrains pour les ONG locales, les soutenant par la suite, ร travers la formation, le capital et les outils nรฉcessaires.
tรฉlรฉphone: +39 3338815421
ou vous pouvez remplir le formulaire ci-dessous.
Vous pouvez me trouver ici: Via Accademia delle Scienze 11, (in front of the Egyptian Museum), 10123 Torino TO (Italy IT)ย Get directions here
Terms and conditions
All elements of this website are protected by copyright, trade marking, moral rights and other laws relating to intellectual property rights. No part of this website, unless permitted within another agreement, may be copied or retransmitted by any means.
This site is designed for Chrome. Firefox and Safari are good, but the site has some issue with them. Microsoft Edge, well, you know…. please don’t use it. Just don’t.
Sebastiano Ferrari begann 2009 mit dem Geigenbau, er begann sein Studium an der Mailรคnder Geigenbauschule. Er schloss sein Studium unter der Leitung von Paola Vecchio, Gabriele Negri, Lorenzo Rossi und Professor Claudio Canevari mit Auszeichnung ab. Im letzten Schuljahr absolvierte er ein Praktikum in einer Geigenbauwerkstatt.
Dank Professor Claudio Canevari hatte er die Mรถglichkeit, an mehreren Projekten in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Arvedi-Labor der Universitรคt von Pavia und dem Geigenmuseum von Cremona mitzuarbeiten (
Im Jahr 2014 erhielt er ein Stipendium der Cologni-Stiftung fรผr Kunst und Handwerk fรผr ein gemeinsames Projekt mit den Wissenschaftlichen Laboratorien des Geigenmuseums von Cremona.
Seit 2016 – 2019 unterrichtet er an der Geigenbauschule in Mailand und leitet den Konstruktions- und Lackierunterricht.
Seit 2022 unterrichtet er an der Geigenbauakademie San Filippo in Turin und leitet dort den Geigenbaukurs und den Cellobau Meisterklasse.
Werkstatt und Projekte:
Acoustic measurement in workshop; measurement of violin sound spectrum; fingerboard, tailpiece and bridge intonation; diagnosis problems and instrument characterization through rigidity and weight.
Relator: George Stoppani.
(Cremona 2013)
The strings influence in bow instruments.
Relator: Franz Klanner (Thomastik-Infeld technician)
(Cremona 2013)
Varnish studies in historical Italian bow instruments; macro and microscopic analysis on wood samples at different stages of varnishing.
Relator: Brigitte Brandmair, curator of โStradivari Varnishโ book.
(Cremona 2013).
โKnowledge for conservationโ. International science workshop on bow musical instruments.
โขMarco Malagodi: University of Pavia, Arvedi Research Laboratory, scientific consultant.
โขClaudio Canevari: University of Pavia, Arvedi Research Laboratory, scientific consultant, Violin Making school of Milan.
โขAugusto Sarti: teacher of electronics and information department of Polytechnic University of Milan.
โขGianni Ferretti: Vice rector of Polo territoriale di Cremona, Polytechnic University of Milan.
โขMats Tinnsten: Mid-Sweden University.
โขEnrico Ravina: University of Genoa.
โขJean Philippe Echad: Researcher in the restoration laboratory of Museum of Music in Paris
โขJayson Dobney: musical Instruments curator at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.
โขFrank P. Bar: Director of instrument collection in the Nuremberg Musical Instrument Museum.
โขArian Sheets: Curator of stringed instruments collection in the National Museum of Music (University of South Dakota)
(Cremona 2013)
Collaboration on the project, conducted by the Arvedi Research Laboratory hosted by University of Pavia, for materials classification used in linings and filling of Neapolitan mandolins from half of eighteenth century. Photos of analysis and samples withdrawals for subsequent analysis with electron microscopy and spectroscopy (SEM-EDS), micro-fluorescence (Microft-IR) and stratigraphy.
(Pavia 2013)
Collaboration on the project, conducted by Polytechnic University of Milan, hosted in Violin Museum of Cremona: investigation and ontologies studies for classification of sound.
(Cremona 2014)
Collaboration on the project, conducted by Polytechnic University of Milan and Arvedi Research Laboratory, hosted in Violin Museum of Cremona: looking for correlations between the structural elements of the violin with the timbre and acoustic of the instrument.
(Cremona 2014)
Violas of Antonio Stradivari at Museo del Violino
Relators:Bruno Giuranna and Bruce Carlson.
(Cremona 2015)
Instruments by Guarneri del Gesu at Museo del Violino.
Relator: Gregg Alf
(Cremona 2015)
Instruments of Giovanni Battista Guadagnini at Museo del Violino.
Relator: Eric Blot
(Cremona 2015)
Violin arching design and construction method by Robert Zuger.
Relator: Robert Zuger
(Cremona 2017)
Warranty and maintenance
Das Instrument wird mit einem Echtheitszertifikat versehen, das die technischen Eigenschaften des Instruments, Fotos und die Herkunft des Materials enthรคlt.
Um alle notwendigen Einstellungen zu erreichen und eine optimale Instrumentenperformance zu gewรคhrleisten, wird eine Supportzeit mit dem Musiker gewรคhrt. Der Musiker wird bei Routinekontrollen und Wartungsarbeiten gefรผhrt, um die einwandfreie Funktion aller Teile des Instruments zu gewรคhrleisten.
Verschiedene Arten von Instrumenten kรถnnen gemietet werden, fรผr die Bedรผrfnisse von Studenten und Profis.
(Fรผr weitere Informationen fรผllen Sie bitte das Kontaktformular aus)
Mit dem Ziel, eine “grรผne Werkstatt” zu schaffen und die Umweltauswirkungen dieser Arbeit zu minimieren, werden verschiedene ethische Entscheidungen getroffen:
– Die Werkstatt wird ausschlieรlich mit Solarenergie betrieben, Windenergie wird fรผr das Website-Hosting genutzt;
– Alle handelsรผblichen Papiere werden recycelt oder stammen aus zertifizierten FSC-Quellen;
– Wo immer mรถglich, stammen die im Konstruktionsprozess verwendeten Hรถlzer aus zertifizierten Wรคldern;
– Die fรผr die Instrumente verwendeten Lacke werden ausschlieรlich aus natรผrlichen Rohstoffen (Alkohol- oder รllacke mit Harzen und Gummi) hergestellt;
– Bei jedem Verkauf eines Instruments werden 2% seines Wertes fรผr die Wiederaufforstung gespendet. Eine dieser drei verschiedenen Organisationen kann fรผr eine Spende ausgewรคhlt werden. (Sobald die Spende erfolgt ist, erhalten Sie von der Organisation Ihrer Wahl eine Bescheinigung)
Protecting nature. Preserving life.
Die Aufgabe des Naturschutzes besteht darin, die Bรถden und Gewรคsser zu erhalten, von denen alles Leben abhรคngt. Unsere Vision ist eine Welt, in der die Vielfalt des Lebens gedeiht und die Menschen handeln, um die Natur um ihrer selbst willen zu erhalten und ihre Fรคhigkeit, unsere Bedรผrfnisse zu erfรผllen und unser Leben zu bereichern.
Plant-a-tree partner.
Es hilft Gemeinden auf der ganzen Welt beim Pflanzen von Bรคumen, durch Saatgutverteilung, Ausbildung in der Agroforstwirtschaft und technische Hilfe vor Ort. Bis heute hat die Organisation weltweit รผber 65 Millionen Bรคume in 30 Lรคndern gepflanzt und รผber 11.000 Dรถrfer auf der ganzen Welt versorgt.
Saving rainforest. Protecting life.
Durch die Bereitstellung von Land, Ausbildung, Kapital und Ausrรผstung will diese Organisation Gebiete schรผtzen, die bedrohte Arten und gefรคhrdete รkosysteme schรผtzen.
Mobiltelefon: +39 3338815421
oder Sie kรถnnen das untenstehende Formular ausfรผllen.
Sie finden mich hier: Via Accademia delle Scienze 11, (in front of the Egyptian Museum), 10123 Torino TO (Italy IT)ย Get directions here
Allgemeine Geschรคftsbedingungen
All elements of this website are protected by copyright, trade marking, moral rights and other laws relating to intellectual property rights. No part of this website, unless permitted within another agreement, may be copied or retransmitted by any means.
This site is designed for Chrome. Firefox and Safari are good, but the site has some issue with them. Microsoft Edge, well, you know…. please don’t use it. Just don’t.
Sebastiano Ferrari comenzรณ con la fabricaciรณn de violines en 2009, al iniciar sus estudios en la Escuela de Fabricaciรณn de Violines de Milรกn. Se graduรณ con honores bajo la guรญa de Paola Vecchio, Gabriele Negri, Lorenzo Rossi y el Profesor Claudio Canevari. Durante su รบltimo aรฑo en la escuela hizo una pasantรญa en un taller de fabricaciรณn de violines.
Gracias al profesor Claudio Canevari tuvo la oportunidad de colaborar en varios proyectos en cooperaciรณn con el Laboratorio Arvedi de la Universidad de Pรกvia y el Museo del Violรญn de Cremona (
En el aรฑo 2014 ganรณ una beca otorgada por la Fundaciรณn Cologni para el Arte y las Manualidades, en un proyecto de colaboraciรณn con los Laboratorios Cientรญficos del Museo del Violรญn de Cremona.
Desde el aรฑo 2016 – 2019, enseรฑa en la Escuela de Fabricaciรณn de Violines de Milรกn, administrando las clases de construcciรณn y barnizado.
Desde 2022 enseรฑa en la Academia de Fabricaciรณn de Violines de San Filippo en Turรญn, dirigiendo el Curso de Fabricaciรณn de Violines y Masterclass de Cello.
Taller y proyectos:
Acoustic measurement in workshop; measurement of violin sound spectrum; fingerboard, tailpiece and bridge intonation; diagnosis problems and instrument characterization through rigidity and weight.
Relator: George Stoppani.
(Cremona 2013)
The strings influence in bow instruments.
Relator: Franz Klanner (Thomastik-Infeld technician)
(Cremona 2013)
Varnish studies in historical Italian bow instruments; macro and microscopic analysis on wood samples at different stages of varnishing.
Relator: Brigitte Brandmair, curator of โStradivari Varnishโ book.
(Cremona 2013).
โKnowledge for conservationโ. International science workshop on bow musical instruments.
โขMarco Malagodi: University of Pavia, Arvedi Research Laboratory, scientific consultant.
โขClaudio Canevari: University of Pavia, Arvedi Research Laboratory, scientific consultant, Violin Making school of Milan.
โขAugusto Sarti: teacher of electronics and information department of Polytechnic University of Milan.
โขGianni Ferretti: Vice rector of Polo territoriale di Cremona, Polytechnic University of Milan.
โขMats Tinnsten: Mid-Sweden University.
โขEnrico Ravina: University of Genoa.
โขJean Philippe Echad: Researcher in the restoration laboratory of Museum of Music in Paris
โขJayson Dobney: musical Instruments curator at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.
โขFrank P. Bar: Director of instrument collection in the Nuremberg Musical Instrument Museum.
โขArian Sheets: Curator of stringed instruments collection in the National Museum of Music (University of South Dakota)
(Cremona 2013)
Collaboration on the project, conducted by the Arvedi Research Laboratory hosted by University of Pavia, for materials classification used in linings and filling of Neapolitan mandolins from half of eighteenth century. Photos of analysis and samples withdrawals for subsequent analysis with electron microscopy and spectroscopy (SEM-EDS), micro-fluorescence (Microft-IR) and stratigraphy.
(Pavia 2013)
Collaboration on the project, conducted by Polytechnic University of Milan, hosted in Violin Museum of Cremona: investigation and ontologies studies for classification of sound.
(Cremona 2014)
Collaboration on the project, conducted by Polytechnic University of Milan and Arvedi Research Laboratory, hosted in Violin Museum of Cremona: looking for correlations between the structural elements of the violin with the timbre and acoustic of the instrument.
(Cremona 2014)
Violas of Antonio Stradivari at Museo del Violino
Relators:Bruno Giuranna and Bruce Carlson.
(Cremona 2015)
Instruments by Guarneri del Gesu at Museo del Violino.
Relator: Gregg Alf
(Cremona 2015)
Instruments of Giovanni Battista Guadagnini at Museo del Violino.
Relator: Eric Blot
(Cremona 2015)
Violin arching design and construction method by Robert Zuger.
Relator: Robert Zuger
(Cremona 2017)
Warranty and maintenance
El instrumento serรก provisto de un certificado de autenticidad, conteniendo las caracterรญsticas tรฉcnicas del mismo, fotografรญas y la procedencia de los materiales.
Para lograr toda la necesaria configuraciรณn y asegurar el rendimiento รณptimo del instrumento, se garantiza un perรญodo de apoyo al mรบsico. El mรบsico serรก guiado a travรฉs de controles rutinarios y operaciones de mantenimiento, para asegurar el funcionamiento apropiado de todas las partes del instrumento.
Estรกn disponibles diferentes tipos de instrumentos para alquilar, en modo tal de cubrir las necesidades de estudiantes y profesionales.
(Por mรกs informaciรณn, por favor complete el formulario de contacto)
Con el objetivo de crear un “taller verde” y minimizar el impacto ambiental producido por este trabajo, se aplican varias elecciones รฉticas:
– El taller funciona exclusivamente con energรญa solar, para el alojamiento del sitio web se usa energรญa eรณlica;
– Todo el papel usado habitualmente es reciclado o proviene de fuentes con certificado FSC (Consejo de Administraciรณn Forestal);
– Siempre que nos es posible, las maderas usadas en el proceso de construcciรณn provienen de bosques certificados;
– Los barnices usados en los instrumentos contienen solamente materias primas naturales (barniz o aceite a base de alcohol con resinas y goma);
– Cada vez que se vende un instrumento, el 2% de su valor se dona con fines de reforestaciรณn. Una de estas tres organizaciones diferentes puede ser elegida para la donaciรณn. (Una vez que se realice la donaciรณn, usted recibirรก un certificado de la organizaciรณn de su elecciรณn)
Protecting nature. Preserving life.
La misiรณn de The Nature Conservancy es conservar las tierras y las aguas de las que depende toda la vida. Nuestra visiรณn es un mundo donde la diversidad de la vida prospere, y las personas actรบen para conservar la naturaleza por su propio bien satisfaciendo nuestras necesidades y enriquecer nuestras vidas.
Plant-a-tree partner.
Ayuda a comunidades de todo el mundo mediante la plantaciรณn de รกrboles, distribuciรณn de semillas, capacitaciรณn agroforestal y la asistencia tรฉcnica en el paรญs. Hasta ahora, la organizaciรณn ha plantado mรกs de 65 millones de รกrboles en todo el mundo en 30 paรญses y ha atendido a mรกs de 11,000 aldeas alrededor del mundo.
Saving rainforest. Protecting life.
Al proporcionar tierras, capacitaciรณn, capital y equipo, esta organizaciรณn apunta a proteger territorios que albergan especies amenazadas y ecosistemas en peligro de extinciรณn.
telรฉfono celular: +39 3338815421
correo electrรณnico:
o usted puede llenar el formulario aquรญ debajo.
Puede encontrarme aquรญ: Via Accademia delle Scienze 11, (in front of the Egyptian Museum), 10123 Torino TO (Italy IT)ย Get directions here
Tรฉrminos y condiciones
All elements of this website are protected by copyright, trade marking, moral rights and other laws relating to intellectual property rights. No part of this website, unless permitted within another agreement, may be copied or retransmitted by any means.
This site is designed for Chrome. Firefox and Safari are good, but the site has some issue with them. Microsoft Edge, well, you know…. please don’t use it. Just don’t.
Sebastiano Ferrari iniciou a tocar violino em 2009, comeรงou seus estudos na escola de fabricaรงรฃo de violinos de Milรฃo. Ele se formou com honra sob a orientaรงรฃo de Paola Vecchio, Gabriele Negri, Lorenzo Rossi e o professor Claudio Canevari. Durante o รบltimo ano da escola, ele fez um estรกgio em uma oficina de fabricaรงรฃo de violinos.
Graรงas ao professor Claudio Canevari, ele teve a oportunidade de colaborar em muitos projetos em colaboraรงรฃo com o laboratรณrio Arvedi na Universidade de Pavia e o museu do violino de Cremona (
Em 2014 ele ganhou uma bolsa de estudos, concedida pela Fundaรงรฃo de Arte e Artesanato Cologni, para um projeto colaborativo com os laboratรณrios cientรญficos do museu do violino de Cremona.
Desde 2016 – 2019 ele ensina na escola de fabricaรงรฃo de violinos de Milรฃo, gerenciando as aulas de construรงรฃo e envernizamento.
Desde 2022 ensina na San Filippo Violin Making Academy em Turim, gerindo o Curso de Violin Making e Cello Making Masterclass.
Workshop and projects:
Acoustic measurement in workshop; measurement of violin sound spectrum; fingerboard, tailpiece and bridge intonation; diagnosis problems and instrument characterization through rigidity and weight.
Relator: George Stoppani.
(Cremona 2013)
The strings influence in bow instruments.
Relator: Franz Klanner (Thomastik-Infeld technician)
(Cremona 2013)
Varnish studies in historical Italian bow instruments; macro and microscopic analysis on wood samples at different stages of varnishing.
Relator: Brigitte Brandmair, curator of โStradivari Varnishโ book.
(Cremona 2013).
โKnowledge for conservationโ. International science workshop on bow musical instruments.
โขMarco Malagodi: University of Pavia, Arvedi Research Laboratory, scientific consultant.
โขClaudio Canevari: University of Pavia, Arvedi Research Laboratory, scientific consultant, Violin Making school of Milan.
โขAugusto Sarti: teacher of electronics and information department of Polytechnic University of Milan.
โขGianni Ferretti: Vice rector of Polo territoriale di Cremona, Polytechnic University of Milan.
โขMats Tinnsten: Mid-Sweden University.
โขEnrico Ravina: University of Genoa.
โขJean Philippe Echad: Researcher in the restoration laboratory of Museum of Music in Paris
โขJayson Dobney: musical Instruments curator at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.
โขFrank P. Bar: Director of instrument collection in the Nuremberg Musical Instrument Museum.
โขArian Sheets: Curator of stringed instruments collection in the National Museum of Music (University of South Dakota)
(Cremona 2013)
Collaboration on the project, conducted by the Arvedi Research Laboratory hosted by University of Pavia, for materials classification used in linings and filling of Neapolitan mandolins from half of eighteenth century. Photos of analysis and samples withdrawals for subsequent analysis with electron microscopy and spectroscopy (SEM-EDS), micro-fluorescence (Microft-IR) and stratigraphy.
(Pavia 2013)
Collaboration on the project, conducted by Polytechnic University of Milan, hosted in Violin Museum of Cremona: investigation and ontologies studies for classification of sound.
(Cremona 2014)
Collaboration on the project, conducted by Polytechnic University of Milan and Arvedi Research Laboratory, hosted in Violin Museum of Cremona: looking for correlations between the structural elements of the violin with the timbre and acoustic of the instrument.
(Cremona 2014)
Violas of Antonio Stradivari at Museo del Violino
Relators:Bruno Giuranna and Bruce Carlson.
(Cremona 2015)
Instruments by Guarneri del Gesu at Museo del Violino.
Relator: Gregg Alf
(Cremona 2015)
Instruments of Giovanni Battista Guadagnini at Museo del Violino.
Relator: Eric Blot
(Cremona 2015)
Violin arching design and construction method by Robert Zuger.
Relator: Robert Zuger
(Cremona 2017)
Garantia e manutenรงรฃo
O instrumento serรก fornecido com um certificado de autenticidade, contรฉm as caracterรญsticas tรฉcnicas do instrumento, fotografias e a proveniรชncia dos materiais.
Para obter todas as configuraรงรตes necessรกrias e garantir a performance ideal do instrumento, รฉ concedido um perรญodo de suporte ao mรบsico. O mรบsico serรก guiado em controles de rotina e operaรงรตes de manutenรงรฃo, para garantir o funcionamento adequado de todas as partes do instrumento .
Diferentes tipos de instrumentos estรฃo disponรญveis para aluguel, para as necessidades de estudantes e profissionais.
(Para mais informaรงรตes preencha o formulรกrio de contato)
Com o objetivo de criar uma โoficina verdeโ e minimizar o impacto ambiental produzido por este trabalho, muitas escolhas รฉticas sรฃo aplicadas
– A oficina รฉ exclusivamente alimentada por energia solar, a energia eรณlica รฉ usada para hospedagem de sites;
– Todos os papรฉis habitualmente usados, sรฃo reciclados ou vรชm de fontes certificadas FSC;
– Sempre que possรญvel, as madeiras usadas no processo de construรงรฃo sรฃo provenientes de florestas certificadas;
– Os vernizes utilizados para os instrumentos sรฃo feitos apenas a partir de matรฉrias-primas naturais (รกlcool ou verniz ร base de รณleo com resinas e gomas de mascar);
– Toda vez que um instrumento รฉ vendido, 2% de seu valor รฉ dado para o reflorestamento. Uma dessas trรชs organizaรงรตes diferentes pode ser escolhida para uma doaรงรฃo. (Uma vez feita a doaรงรฃo, vocรช receberรก um certificado da organizaรงรฃo da sua escolha)
Protecting nature. Preserving life.
A missรฃo da Nature Conservancy รฉ conservar as terras e as รกguas das quais depende toda a vida. Nossa visรฃo รฉ um mundo onde a diversidade da vida prospera e as pessoas agem para conservar a natureza por si mesma e sua capacidade de satisfazer nossas necessidades e enriquecer nossas vidas.
Plant-a-tree partner.
Ajuda as comunidades ao redor do mundo a plantar รกrvores, atravรฉs da distribuiรงรฃo de sementes, treinamento agroflorestal e assistรชncia tรฉcnica no paรญs. A organizaรงรฃo plantou atรฉ agora mais de 65 milhรตes de รกrvores em todo o mundo em 30 paรญses e jรก atendeu mais de 11.000 aldeias ao redor do mundo.
Saving rainforest. Protecting life.
Fornecendo terra, treinamento, capital e equipamento, esta organizaรงรฃo visa proteger as terras que preservam espรฉcies ameaรงadas e ecossistemas ameaรงados.
Celular: +39 3338815421
ou vocรช pode preencher o formulรกrio abaixo.
Vocรช pode me encontrar aqui: Via Accademia delle Scienze 11, (in front of the Egyptian Museum), 10123 Torino TO (Italy IT)ย Get directions here
Termos e condiรงรตes
All elements of this website are protected by copyright, trade marking, moral rights and other laws relating to intellectual property rights. No part of this website, unless permitted within another agreement, may be copied or retransmitted by any means.
This site is designed for Chrome. Firefox and Safari are good, but the site has some issue with them. Microsoft Edge, well, you know…. please don’t use it. Just don’t.
ะกะตะฑะฐััััะฝะพ ะคะตัะฐััะธ ะทะฐะฝัะปัั ะธะทะณะพัะพะฒะปะตะฝะธะตะผ ัะบัะธะฟะพะบ ะฒ 2009 ะณะพะดั ะธ ะฟะพัััะฟะธะป ะฒ ะะธะปะฐะฝัะบัั ัะบะพะปั ัะบัะธะฟะธัะฝัั ะผะฐััะตัะพะฒ. ะะพะด ััะบะพะฒะพะดััะฒะพะผ Paola Vecchio, Gabriele Negri, Lorenzo Rossi ะธ ะฟัะพัะตััะพัะฐ Claudion Canevari ะกะตะฑะฐััััะฝะพ ะพะบะพะฝัะธะป ัะบะพะปั ั ะพัะปะธัะธะตะผ. ะ ัะฒะพะน ะฟะพัะปะตะดะฝะธะน ะณะพะด ะพะฑััะตะฝะธั ะฟัะพััะป ะฟัะฐะบัะธะบั ะฒ ะผะฐััะตััะบะพะน ะฟะพ ะฟัะพะธะทะฒะพะดััะฒั ัะบัะธะฟะพะบ.
ะะปะฐะณะพะดะฐัั ะฟัะพัะตััะพัั Claudio Canevari ะกะตะฑะฐััััะฝะพ ะฟะพะปััะธะป ะฒะพะทะผะพะถะฝะพััั ะฟัะธะฝััั ััะฐััะธะต ะฒ ะฝะตัะบะพะปัะบะธั ะฟัะพะตะบัะฐั ัะพะฒะผะตััะฝะพ ั Arvedi, ะปะฐะฑะพัะฐัะพัะธะตะน ัะฝะธะฒะตััะธัะตัะฐ ะฒ ะะฐะฒะธะธ, ะธ ะัะทะตะตะผ ะกะบัะธะฟะบะธ ะัะตะผะพะฝะฐ. (
ะ 2014 ะกะตะฑะฐััััะฝะพ ะฒัะธะณัะฐะป ะณัะฐะฝั ะพั ะคะพะฝะดะฐ ะธัะบััััะฒ ะธ ัะตะผะตัะปะฐ ยซCologniยป ะทะฐ ัะพะฒะผะตััะฝัะน ะฟัะพะตะบั ั ะฝะฐััะฝะพะน ะปะฐะฑะพัะฐัะพัะธะตะน ะัะทะตั ะกะบัะธะฟะบะธ ะัะตะผะพะฝะฐ.
ะก 2016 no 2019 ะฟัะตะฟะพะดะฐัั ะฒ ะะธะปะฐะฝัะบะพะน ัะบะพะปะต ัะบัะธะฟะธัะฝัั ะผะฐััะตัะพะฒ, ะณะดะต ะฒะตะดัั ะบะปะฐััั ะฟะพ ัััะพะตะฝะธั ัะบัะธะฟะบะธ ะธ ะฟัะพัะตััะฐะผ ะปะฐะบะธัะพะฒะฐะฝะธั ะผัะทัะบะฐะปัะฝะพะณะพ ะธะฝััััะผะตะฝัะฐ.
ะก 2022 ะณะพะดะฐ ะพะฝ ะฟัะตะฟะพะดะฐะตั ะฒ ะะบะฐะดะตะผะธะธ ะธะทะณะพัะพะฒะปะตะฝะธั ัะบัะธะฟะพะบ ะกะฐะฝ-ะคะธะปะธะฟะฟะพ ะฒ ะขััะธะฝะต, ััะบะพะฒะพะดั ะบัััะฐะผะธ ะธะทะณะพัะพะฒะปะตะฝะธั ัะบัะธะฟะพะบ ะธ ะธะทะณะพัะพะฒะปะตะฝะธั ะฒะธะพะปะพะฝัะตะปะตะน.
ะะฐััะตััะบะฐั ะธ ะฟัะพะตะบัั:
Acoustic measurement in workshop; measurement of violin sound spectrum; fingerboard, tailpiece and bridge intonation; diagnosis problems and instrument characterization through rigidity and weight.
Relator: George Stoppani.
(Cremona 2013)
The strings influence in bow instruments.
Relator: Franz Klanner (Thomastik-Infeld technician)
(Cremona 2013)
Varnish studies in historical Italian bow instruments; macro and microscopic analysis on wood samples at different stages of varnishing.
Relator: Brigitte Brandmair, curator of โStradivari Varnishโ book.
(Cremona 2013).
โKnowledge for conservationโ. International science workshop on bow musical instruments.
โขMarco Malagodi: University of Pavia, Arvedi Research Laboratory, scientific consultant.
โขClaudio Canevari: University of Pavia, Arvedi Research Laboratory, scientific consultant, Violin Making school of Milan.
โขAugusto Sarti: teacher of electronics and information department of Polytechnic University of Milan.
โขGianni Ferretti: Vice rector of Polo territoriale di Cremona, Polytechnic University of Milan.
โขMats Tinnsten: Mid-Sweden University.
โขEnrico Ravina: University of Genoa.
โขJean Philippe Echad: Researcher in the restoration laboratory of Museum of Music in Paris
โขJayson Dobney: musical Instruments curator at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.
โขFrank P. Bar: Director of instrument collection in the Nuremberg Musical Instrument Museum.
โขArian Sheets: Curator of stringed instruments collection in the National Museum of Music (University of South Dakota)
(Cremona 2013)
Collaboration on the project, conducted by the Arvedi Research Laboratory hosted by University of Pavia, for materials classification used in linings and filling of Neapolitan mandolins from half of eighteenth century. Photos of analysis and samples withdrawals for subsequent analysis with electron microscopy and spectroscopy (SEM-EDS), micro-fluorescence (Microft-IR) and stratigraphy.
(Pavia 2013)
Collaboration on the project, conducted by Polytechnic University of Milan, hosted in Violin Museum of Cremona: investigation and ontologies studies for classification of sound.
(Cremona 2014)
Collaboration on the project, conducted by Polytechnic University of Milan and Arvedi Research Laboratory, hosted in Violin Museum of Cremona: looking for correlations between the structural elements of the violin with the timbre and acoustic of the instrument.
(Cremona 2014)
Violas of Antonio Stradivari at Museo del Violino
Relators:Bruno Giuranna and Bruce Carlson.
(Cremona 2015)
Instruments by Guarneri del Gesu at Museo del Violino.
Relator: Gregg Alf
(Cremona 2015)
Instruments of Giovanni Battista Guadagnini at Museo del Violino.
Relator: Eric Blot
(Cremona 2015)
Violin arching design and construction method by Robert Zuger.
Relator: Robert Zuger
(Cremona 2017)
ะะฝััััะผะตะฝั ะฟะพััะฐะฒะปัะตััั ั ัะตััะธัะธะบะฐัะพะผ ะผะตะถะดัะฝะฐัะพะดะฝะพะณะพ ะพะฑัะฐะทัะฐ, ะฒ ะบะพัะพัะพะผ ัะบะฐะทะฐะฝั ัะตั ะฝะธัะตัะบะธะต ั ะฐัะฐะบัะตัะธััะธะบะธ ะธะฝััััะผะตะฝัะฐ, ัะพัะพะณัะฐัะธะธ ะธ ะธะฝัะพัะผะฐัะธั ะพ ะธัะฟะพะปัะทะพะฒะฐะฝะฝัั ะผะฐัะตัะธะฐะปะฐั .
ะัะทัะบะฐะฝัั ะณะฐัะฐะฝัะธััะตััั ะฟะตัะธะพะด ะพะฑัะปัะถะธะฒะฐะฝะธั ะผัะทัะบะฐะปัะฝะพะณะพ ะธะฝััััะผะตะฝัะฐ, ััะพะฑั ะพะฑะตัะฟะตัะธัั ะตะณะพ ะฝะฐะธะปัััะตะต ะทะฒััะฐะฝะธะต ะธ ะพะฟัะธะผะฐะปัะฝัั ัะฐะฑะพัั. ะขะฐะบะถะต ะผัะทัะบะฐะฝัั ะฟัะตะดะพััะฐะฒะปัะตััั ะฒัั ะฝะตะพะฑั ะพะดะธะผะฐั ะธะฝัะพัะผะฐัะธั ะฟะพ ะบะพััะตะบัะฝะพะผั ะธัะฟะพะปัะทะพะฒะฐะฝะธั ะธ ะพะฑัะปัะถะธะฒะฐะฝะธั ัะบัะธะฟะบะธ, ััะพะฑั ะณะฐัะฐะฝัะธัะพะฒะฐัั ะธัะฟัะฐะฒะฝัั ัะฐะฑะพัั ะฒัะตั ัะฐััะตะน ะธ ะผะตั ะฐะฝะธะทะผะพะฒ ะธะฝััััะผะตะฝัะฐ.
ะัะพะผะต ัะพะณะพ, ัััะตััะฒัะตั ะฒะพะทะผะพะถะฝะพััั ะฐัะตะฝะดั ัะฐะทะปะธัะฝัั ะธะฝััััะผะตะฝัะพะฒ ะบะฐะบ ะดะปั ะฟัะพัะตััะธะพะฝะฐะปะพะฒ, ัะฐะบ ะธ ะดะปั ะฝะฐัะธะฝะฐััะธั .
(ะะปั ะฟะพะปััะตะฝะธั ะดะพะฟะพะปะฝะธัะตะปัะฝะพะน ะธะฝัะพัะผะฐัะธะธ ะทะฐะฟะพะปะฝะธัะต ัะพัะผั ะพะฑัะฐัะฝะพะน ัะฒัะทะธ)
ะ ัะตะปัั ัะพะทะดะฐะฝะธั ัะบะพะปะพะณะธัะตัะบะธ ัะธััะพะณะพ ะฟัะพะธะทะฒะพะดััะฒะฐ ะธ ัะพะบัะฐัะตะฝะธั ะทะฐะณััะทะฝะตะฝะธะน ะพะบััะถะฐััะตะน ััะตะดั ะฑัะปะธ ะฟัะธะฝััั ะฝะตัะบะพะปัะบะพ ััะธัะตัะบะธั ัะตัะตะฝะธะน:
– ะั ะธัะฟะพะปัะทัะตะผ ัะพะปัะบะพ ัะพะปะฝะตัะฝัั ัะฝะตัะณะธั ะฒ ะฝะฐัะตะน ะผะฐััะตััะบะพะน, ะฒ ัะพ ะฒัะตะผั ะบะฐะบ ั ะพััะธะฝะณ ัะฐะนัะฐ ะพะฑะตัะฟะตัะธะฒะฐะตั ะฒะตััะพะฒะฐั ัะฝะตัะณะธั;
– ะัั ะธัะฟะพะปัะทัะตะผะฐั ะฟัะธ ะฟัะพะธะทะฒะพะดััะฒะต ะฑัะผะฐะณะฐ โ ะฟะตัะตัะฐะฑะฐััะฒะฐะตะผะฐั, ะธะปะธ ะถะต ะฟะพัััะฟะฐะตั ะธะท ัะตััะธัะธัะธัะพะฒะฐะฝะฝัั ะธััะพัะฝะธะบะพะฒ FSC (Forest Stewardship Councilยฎ,);
– ะ ะฑะพะปััะธะฝััะฒะต ัะปััะฐะตะฒ ะดะตัะตะฒะพ, ะธัะฟะพะปัะทัะตะผะพะต ะฒ ะฟัะพัะตััะต ะฟัะพะธะทะฒะพะดััะฒะฐ, ะฟัะธะพะฑัะตัะฐะตััั ะธะท ัะตััะธัะธัะธัะพะฒะฐะฝะฝัั ะปะตัะพะฒ;
– ะ ะฟัะพัะตััะต ัะพะทะดะฐะฝะธั ะธะฝััััะผะตะฝัะฐ ะผั ะธัะฟะพะปัะทัะตะผ ะปะฐะบะธ ัะพะปัะบะพ ะฝะฐัััะฐะปัะฝัั ัะพััะฐะฒะพะฒ (ัะฟะธััะพะฒะฐั ะธะปะธ ะผะฐัะปัะฝะฐั ะพัะฝะพะฒะฐ ั ะดะพะฑะฐะฒะปะตะฝะธะตะผ ัะผะพะปั ะธ ะบะฐะผะตะดะธ);
– ะัะธ ะฟัะพะดะฐะถะต ะบะฐะถะดะพะณะพ ะธะฝััััะผะตะฝัะฐ 2% ะพั ััะพะธะผะพััะธ ัั ะพะดัั ะฒ ัะพะฝะดั ะฟะพ ะฒะพะทะพะฑะฝะพะฒะปะตะฝะธั ะปะตัะพะฒ. ะัะธ ะฟะพะบัะฟะบะต ะั ะผะพะถะตัะต ัะฐะผะธ ะฒัะฑัะฐัั ะพะดะฝั ะธะท 3 ะพัะณะฐะฝะธะทะฐัะธะน. (ะะพัะปะต ะพัััะตััะฒะปะตะฝะธั ะฑะปะฐะณะพัะฒะพัะธัะตะปัะฝะพะณะพ ะฒะทะฝะพัะฐ ะั ะฟะพะปััะธัะต ัะตััะธัะธะบะฐั ะพั ะฒัะฑัะฐะฝะฝะพะน ะะฐะผะธ ะพัะณะฐะฝะธะทะฐัะธะธ).
Protecting nature. Preserving life.
ะะธััะธั ะฒัะตะผะธัะฝะพะน ะฝะตะบะพะผะผะตััะตัะบะพะน ะพัะณะฐะฝะธะทะฐัะธะธ ะฟะพ ะพั ัะฐะฝะต ะฟัะธัะพะดั The Nature Conservancy - ัะพั ัะฐะฝะธัั ะทะตะผะตะปัะฝัะต ะธ ะฒะพะดะฝัะต ัะตััััั ะฟะปะฐะฝะตัั, ะพั ะบะพัะพััั ะทะฐะฒะธัะธั ะฝะฐัะฐ ะถะธะทะฝั.
Plant-a-tree partner.
ะฟะพะผะพะณะฐะตั ัะฐะทะปะธัะฝัะผ ะพัะณะฐะฝะธะทะฐัะธัะผ ะฟะพ ะฒัะตะผั ะผะธัั ะพะทะตะปะตะฝััั ะฟะปะฐะฝะตัั, ัะฐัะฟัะพัััะฐะฝัั ัะตะผะตะฝะฐ, ะฟัะพะฒะพะดั ะพะฑััะฐััะธะต ะบัััั ะฟะพ ะฐะณัะพะปะตัะฝะธัะตััะฒั ะธ ะพะฑะตัะฟะตัะธะฒะฐั ัะตั ะฝะธัะตัะบัั ะฟะพะผะพัั ะฝะฐ ัะตััะธัะพัะธัั ะผะฝะพะณะธั ัััะฐะฝ. ะ ะฝะฐััะพััะตะต ะฒัะตะผั The Nature Conservancy ัะถะต ะฟะพะผะพะณะปะธ ะฒััะฐะดะธัั ะฑะพะปะตะต 65 ะผะปะฝ. ะดะตัะตะฒัะตะฒ ะฒ 30 ัััะฐะฝะฐั ะธ ะฟะพะผะพะณะปะธ ะฑะพะปะตะต 11,000 ััั. ะดะตัะตะฒะตะฝั ะฟะพ ะฒัะตะผั ะผะธัั.
Saving rainforest. Protecting life.
ะัะตะดะพััะฐะฒะปัั ะทะตะผะตะปัะฝัะต ััะฐััะบะธ, ะพะฑััะตะฝะธะต, ัะธะฝะฐะฝัั ะธ ะพะฑะพััะดะพะฒะฐะฝะธะต, ะพัะณะฐะฝะธะทะฐัะธั ัััะตะผะธััั ะทะฐัะธัะธัั ะทะตะผะปะธ, ะบะพัะพััะต ะฒัะดะตะปะตะฝั ะฟะพะด ัะพั ัะฐะฝะตะฝะธะต ะธััะตะทะฐััะธั ะฒะธะดะพะฒ ะธ ัะบะพัะธััะตะผ.
ะขะตะป.: +39 3338815421
ะธะปะธ ะั ะผะพะถะตัะต ะทะฐะฟะพะปะฝะธัั ัะพัะผั ัะฒัะทะธ ะฝะธะถะต.
ะขะฐะบะถะต ะั ะผะพะถะตัะต ะฝะฐะนัะธ ะผะตะฝั ะทะดะตัั: Via Accademia delle Scienze 11, (in front of the Egyptian Museum), 10123 Torino TO (Italy IT)ย Get directions here
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All elements of this website are protected by copyright, trade marking, moral rights and other laws relating to intellectual property rights. No part of this website, unless permitted within another agreement, may be copied or retransmitted by any means.
This site is designed for Chrome. Firefox and Safari are good, but the site has some issue with them. Microsoft Edge, well, you know…. please don’t use it. Just don’t.
ไบบ็ฉไผ ่ฎฐ
Sebastiano Ferrari่ช2009ๅนด่ตฐไธๅฐๆ็ดๅถไฝไน่ทฏ๏ผๆฉๆๆพ่ฟๅ ฅ็ฑณๅ ฐๅฐๆ็ดๅถไฝๅญฆๆ กๅญฆไน ๏ผๅนถๆๅนธๅจๆญคๆ้ดๅพๅฐ่ฟPaola Vecchio, Gabriele Negri, Lorenzo RossiไปฅๅClaudio Canevariๆๆ็ญๅๅธ็ๆ็นใๆฏไธๅไธๅนด๏ผไปๆพ่ฟๅ ฅไธๅฎถๅฐๆ็ดๅถไฝๅทฅไฝๅฎคๅฎไน ใ
ๅจClaudio Canevariๆๆ็ๅธฎๅฉไธ๏ผไปๆพไธๅธ็ปดไบๅคงๅญฆ็้ฟ็ปด่ฟชๅฎ้ชๅฎคไปฅๅๅ ้ท่ซ็บณ็ๅฐๆ็ดๅ็ฉ้ฆ่ฟ่กๅไฝ๏ผๅฎๆไบๅคไธช้กน็ฎย (ใ
2014ๅนด๏ผไปๅญๅไธ็งๅญฆๅฎ้ชๅฎคไปฅๅๅ ้ท่ซ็บณๅฐๆ็ดๅ็ฉ้ฆๅไฝ้กน็ฎ่ทๅพไบ็งๆดๅฐผๅทฅ่บ็พๆฏๅบ้ไผ๏ผCologni Foundation for Art and Crafts๏ผๅฅๅญฆ้ใ
่ช2016 – 2019 ๅนด่ตท๏ผไปๅผๅงๅจ็ฑณๅ ฐๅฐๆ็ดๅถไฝๅญฆๆ กไปปๆ๏ผๆๆๅฐๆ็ด็็ปๆไธไธๅ ่ฏพ็จใ
่ช 2022 ๅนด่ตท๏ผไปๅจ้ฝ็ต็ๅฃ่ฒๅฉๆณขๅฐๆ็ดๅถไฝๅญฆ้ขไปปๆ๏ผ็ฎก็ๅฐๆ็ดๅถไฝ่ฏพ็จๅๅคงๆ็ดๅถไฝ ็กๅฃซ่ฏพใ
Acoustic measurement in workshop; measurement of violin sound spectrum; fingerboard, tailpiece and bridge intonation; diagnosis problems and instrument characterization through rigidity and weight.
Relator: George Stoppani.
(Cremona 2013)
The strings influence in bow instruments.
Relator: Franz Klanner (Thomastik-Infeld technician)
(Cremona 2013)
Varnish studies in historical Italian bow instruments; macro and microscopic analysis on wood samples at different stages of varnishing.
Relator: Brigitte Brandmair, curator of โStradivari Varnishโ book.
(Cremona 2013).
โKnowledge for conservationโ. International science workshop on bow musical instruments.
โขMarco Malagodi: University of Pavia, Arvedi Research Laboratory, scientific consultant.
โขClaudio Canevari: University of Pavia, Arvedi Research Laboratory, scientific consultant, Violin Making school of Milan.
โขAugusto Sarti: teacher of electronics and information department of Polytechnic University of Milan.
โขGianni Ferretti: Vice rector of Polo territoriale di Cremona, Polytechnic University of Milan.
โขMats Tinnsten: Mid-Sweden University.
โขEnrico Ravina: University of Genoa.
โขJean Philippe Echad: Researcher in the restoration laboratory of Museum of Music in Paris
โขJayson Dobney: musical Instruments curator at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.
โขFrank P. Bar: Director of instrument collection in the Nuremberg Musical Instrument Museum.
โขArian Sheets: Curator of stringed instruments collection in the National Museum of Music (University of South Dakota)
(Cremona 2013)
Collaboration on the project, conducted by the Arvedi Research Laboratory hosted by University of Pavia, for materials classification used in linings and filling of Neapolitan mandolins from half of eighteenth century. Photos of analysis and samples withdrawals for subsequent analysis with electron microscopy and spectroscopy (SEM-EDS), micro-fluorescence (Microft-IR) and stratigraphy.
(Pavia 2013)
Collaboration on the project, conducted by Polytechnic University of Milan, hosted in Violin Museum of Cremona: investigation and ontologies studies for classification of sound.
(Cremona 2014)
Collaboration on the project, conducted by Polytechnic University of Milan and Arvedi Research Laboratory, hosted in Violin Museum of Cremona: looking for correlations between the structural elements of the violin with the timbre and acoustic of the instrument.
(Cremona 2014)
Violas of Antonio Stradivari at Museo del Violino
Relators:Bruno Giuranna and Bruce Carlson.
(Cremona 2015)
Instruments by Guarneri del Gesu at Museo del Violino.
Relator: Gregg Alf
(Cremona 2015)
Instruments of Giovanni Battista Guadagnini at Museo del Violino.
Relator: Eric Blot
(Cremona 2015)
Violin arching design and construction method by Robert Zuger.
Relator: Robert Zuger
(Cremona 2017)
่ดจไฟไธไฟๅ ป
ๆฏๆ็ด้ฝไผ้้ไธไปฝ็ๅ่ฏไนฆ๏ผ้้ขๆณจๆไบ่ฟๆ็ด็ๆๆฏ็นๅพใ็ ง็ไปฅๅๆ่ดจๆฅๆบ็ญไฟกๆฏใ
ๆฏๆ็ดๅฎๅบๅไบซๆไธๆฎตๆถ้ด็ๆฏๆๆๅก๏ผ็จไบๅธฎๅฉไนฐๅฎถไนๆ่ฟ่กๅฟ ่ฆ็่ฐ่ฏ๏ผไฝฟๅ ถๅๆฅๅบๆไฝณๆง่ฝใๆไปฌไผๆๅฏผไนฐๅฎถไนๆ่ฟ่กๅธธ่ง่ฐ่ฏไธไฟๅ ป๏ผไปฅ็กฎไฟ็ด่บซๅ้จไปถ็ๅ่ฝๆญฃๅธธใ
ๆไพๅ็งๆฌพๅผๅฐๆ็ด็ง่ตๆๅก๏ผ็จไบๅญฆไน ไนๆไธไธ่กจๆผๅๅฏใ
ไธบๆ้ โ็ปฟ่ฒๅทฅไฝๅฎคโ๏ผๅฎ็ฐๅฏน็ฏๅขๅฝฑๅ็ๆๅฐๅ๏ผๆไปฌ็นๆง่กไปฅไธ้ๅพทๅๅ๏ผ
– ๅทฅไฝๅฎค็็ฝ็ซไธปๆบๅชไฝฟ็จๅคช้ณ่ฝๅ้ฃ่ฝ่ฟ่ฝฌ๏ผ
– ๆฅๅธธ็จ็บธๅ้็จๅๆถ็บธๆ้่ฟๆฃฎๆ็ฎก็ๅงๅไผ๏ผFSC๏ผ่ฎค่ฏ็็บธๅผ ๏ผ
– ไปปไฝ็จไบไบงๅๅถไฝ็ๆจๆๅๅ่ช็ป่ฟ่ฎค่ฏ็ๆฃฎๆ๏ผ
– ็ด่บซไธๅ ๆๆๅ้็จๅคฉ็ถๆธ ๆผ๏ผ้ๅบๆๆฒนๅบ็ๆ ่ๅๆ ่ถๆธ ๆผ๏ผ
– ๆฏไธ็ฌไบงๅ้ๅฎ้้ข็2%ๅฐๆ็ฎ็จไบๆคๆ ้ ๆๅทฅ็จใๆจๅฏ้ๆฉ่ฟไธๅฎถๆบๆไธญ็ไธๅฎถไฝไธบๆๆฌพๆฅๅ็ปๆ๏ผๆ็ฎไธๆฆ็กฎ่ฎค๏ผๆจๅฐไผๅๅฐ่ฏฅๆๆฌพๆฅๅๆบๆๅ้็ไธไปฝๆๆฌพ็กฎ่ฎค่ฏไนฆ๏ผใ
Protecting nature. Preserving life.
ๅคง่ช็ถไฟๆคๅไผ่ดๅไบไฟๆคๅ็ง็ๅฝ่ตไปฅ็ๅญ็้ๅฐๅๆฐดๅใๆไปฌ็ๆฟๆฏ๏ผๅ็ง็็ฉ้ฝ่ฌๅๅๅฑ๏ผๅๆถไบบไปฌ่ฝๅค่ชๆฟๅฐๅฐฝๅทฑๆ่ฝๅปไฟๆค่ฟไธชๆปๅ ปๆไปฌ็็ๅฝๅนถ่ฎฉๆไปฌ็ๆดปๅคๅงฟๅคๅฝฉ็ๅคง่ช็ถใ
Plant-a-tree partner.
่ฏฅๆบๆ้่ฟๅๆพ็งๅญใ่ฟ่กๅๆไธไธๅน่ฎญไปฅๅๆไพๅฎๅฐๆๆฏๆดๅฉ็ญๆนๅผ๏ผๅธฎๅฉไธ็ๅๅฐ็ๅฑ ๆฐ่ฟ่กๆคๆ ้ ๆๅทฅไฝใๆช่ณ็ฎๅ๏ผ่ฏฅๆบๆๅทฒๅจๅ จ็30ไธชๅฝๅฎถๆคๆ 6500ไธๅคๆฃต๏ผๅ ฑๆ11000ๅคไธชๆ้ๅ็ใ
Saving rainforest. Protecting life.
ๆๆบ: +39 3338815421
ๆไปฌ็ไฝ็ฝฎ: Via Accademia delle Scienze 11, (in front of the Egyptian Museum), 10123 Torino TO (Italy IT)ย Get directions here
All elements of this website are protected by copyright, trade marking, moral rights and other laws relating to intellectual property rights. No part of this website, unless permitted within another agreement, may be copied or retransmitted by any means.
This site is designed for Chrome. Firefox and Safari are good, but the site has some issue with them. Microsoft Edge, well, you know…. please don’t use it. Just don’t.
ใปใในใใฃใผใใปใใงใฉใผใชใฏ๏ผ๏ผ๏ผ๏ผๅนดใใใใคใชใชใณ่ฃฝไฝใซๅพไบใใใชใฉใปใด ใงใใญใช, ใฌใใชใจใซใปใใฐใช, ใญใฌใณใพใปใญใใท ๅใณ ใฏใฉใฆใใฃใชใปใซใใดใกใผใช ๆๆใซๅธซไบใใMilan Violin Making Schoolใๅๆฅญใๆ็ตๅญฆๅนดๆใซใฏใใคใชใชใณใกใผ ใซใผใซใใใใคใณใฟใผใณๆดปๅใ็ต้จใโ
ใฏใฉใฆใใฃใชใปใซใใดใกใผใชๆๆใฎใใจใงthe Arvedi Laboratory in the University of PaviaใจViolin Museum of Cremonaใจๅ ฑๅใงใใใคใใฎใใญใธใงใฏใใซๆบใใๆฉไผใ ๅพใใ(
๏ผ๏ผ๏ผ๏ผๅนดใซใฏthe Scientific Laboratories of the Violin Museum of Cremonaใจใฎๅ ฑ ๅใใญใธใงใฏใใซใใthe Cologni Foundation for Art and Craftsใใๅฅจๅญฆ้ใๅพใใ
๏ผ๏ผ๏ผ๏ผ – 2019 ๅนดใใthe Violin Making School of Milanใซใฆใใคใชใชใณใฎ็ตใฟ็ซใฆใปๅก่ฃ ใฏใฉในใฎๆไฝใๅใใ
ๆดปๅๅใณใใญใธใงใฏใโ :
Acoustic measurement in workshop; measurement of violin sound spectrum; fingerboard, tailpiece and bridge intonation; diagnosis problems and instrument characterization through rigidity and weight.
Relator: George Stoppani.
(Cremona 2013)
The strings influence in bow instruments.
Relator: Franz Klanner (Thomastik-Infeld technician)
(Cremona 2013)
Varnish studies in historical Italian bow instruments; macro and microscopic analysis on wood samples at different stages of varnishing.
Relator: Brigitte Brandmair, curator of โStradivari Varnishโ book.
(Cremona 2013).
โKnowledge for conservationโ. International science workshop on bow musical instruments.
โขMarco Malagodi: University of Pavia, Arvedi Research Laboratory, scientific consultant.
โขClaudio Canevari: University of Pavia, Arvedi Research Laboratory, scientific consultant, Violin Making school of Milan.
โขAugusto Sarti: teacher of electronics and information department of Polytechnic University of Milan.
โขGianni Ferretti: Vice rector of Polo territoriale di Cremona, Polytechnic University of Milan.
โขMats Tinnsten: Mid-Sweden University.
โขEnrico Ravina: University of Genoa.
โขJean Philippe Echad: Researcher in the restoration laboratory of Museum of Music in Paris
โขJayson Dobney: musical Instruments curator at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.
โขFrank P. Bar: Director of instrument collection in the Nuremberg Musical Instrument Museum.
โขArian Sheets: Curator of stringed instruments collection in the National Museum of Music (University of South Dakota)
(Cremona 2013)
Collaboration on the project, conducted by the Arvedi Research Laboratory hosted by University of Pavia, for materials classification used in linings and filling of Neapolitan mandolins from half of eighteenth century. Photos of analysis and samples withdrawals for subsequent analysis with electron microscopy and spectroscopy (SEM-EDS), micro-fluorescence (Microft-IR) and stratigraphy.
(Pavia 2013)
Collaboration on the project, conducted by Polytechnic University of Milan, hosted in Violin Museum of Cremona: investigation and ontologies studies for classification of sound.
(Cremona 2014)
Collaboration on the project, conducted by Polytechnic University of Milan and Arvedi Research Laboratory, hosted in Violin Museum of Cremona: looking for correlations between the structural elements of the violin with the timbre and acoustic of the instrument.
(Cremona 2014)
Violas of Antonio Stradivari at Museo del Violino
Relators:Bruno Giuranna and Bruce Carlson.
(Cremona 2015)
Instruments by Guarneri del Gesu at Museo del Violino.
Relator: Gregg Alf
(Cremona 2015)
Instruments of Giovanni Battista Guadagnini at Museo del Violino.
Relator: Eric Blot
(Cremona 2015)
Violin arching design and construction method by Robert Zuger.
Relator: Robert Zuger
(Cremona 2017)
ๆฅฝๅจใฏ็ขบๅฎใชไฟก้ ผใฎใใจ็็ฃใใใฆใใใไปๅฑใใใไฟ่จผๆธใซใฏๆฅฝๅจใฎๆฆ่ฆใๅณใ ๆ่ณชใซ้ขใใๆ ๅ ฑใๅซใพใใฆใใพใใ ๅฟ ่ฆใชใปใใใขใใใฎๅฎไบๅใณๆ้ฉใชๆฅฝๅจใฎๆง่ฝใฎ็ขบไฟใฎใใใฎ้ณๆฅฝๅฎถใฎใตใใผใ ๆ้ใไฟ่จผใใใฆใใพใใใใฎ้ใฏๆฅฝๅจใฎ้ฉๅใชๆฉ่ฝใไฟใคใใใฎๆๅ ฅใใฎๆนๆณใ ใๆกๅ ใใพใใ
ๅญฆ็ใใใญใฎ้ณๆฅฝๅฎถใซๅฏพใใฆใฏใใใคใใฎๆฅฝๅจใฎ่ฒธใๅบใใ่กใฃใฆใใใพใใ๏ผ่ฉณ ็ดฐใฏ้ฃ็ตกใใฉใผใ ใพใง๏ผโ
Green workshopโใซใใใๆดปๅใจใใฆใ็ฐๅขใธใฎๆชๅฝฑ้ฟใๆๅฐ้ใซๆใใใใใซไปฅ ไธใฎ้ ็ฎใซใคใใฆๅใ็ตใใงใใใพใ :
– ๆฌๅทฅๆฟใฎๆถ่ฒป้ปๅใฏใในใฆๅคช้ฝๅ ็บ้ปใซใใไพ็ตฆใใใพใใใตใผใใผ็ฎก็ใซใฏ้ขจ ๅ็บ้ปใ็จใใฆใใพใ ;
– ๆฌๅทฅๆฟๅ ใงไฝฟใใใ็ดใฏใในใฆใชใตใคใฏใซๅค็ดใใพใใฏFSC่ช่จผ็ดใจใชใฃใฆใใพ ใ;
– ๆฌๅทฅๆฟๅ ใงๆฅฝๅจใฎ็ตใฟ็ซใฆใซ็จใใใใๆจใฏๅฏ่ฝใชใใใ่ช่จผใใใๆฃฎๆๆจใ็จ ใใฆใใพใ;
– ๆฌๅทฅๆฟๅ ใงๅก่ฃ ใซ็จใใใใใในใฏๅคฉ็ถๅๆ๏ผๆจน่ใใดใ ใฎๆจ็ฑๆฅใฎใขใซใณใผ ใซใๆฒนใใผในใฎใใฎ๏ผใฎใฟใงไฝใใใฆใใพใ;
– ๆฅฝๅจๅฃฒไธใฎ๏ผ%ใๆคๆๆดปๅใธใฎๅ้ใซๅ ใฆใใใพใใๅ่ฃใจใชใ3ใคใฎๆคๆๆดปๅๆฏ ๆดๅฃไฝใใ1ใค้ธใถใใจใใงใใๅ้ๅพใซใใฎๅฃไฝใใ่จผๆๆธใๅใๅใใใจใใงใ ใพใ
Protecting nature. Preserving life.
ใถใปใใคใใฃใผใปใณใณใตใผใใณใทใผใฎใใใทใงใณใฏใในใฆใฎ็็ฉใๆฎใใๅๅฐใๆฐด ่ณๆบใไฟ่ญทใใใใจใงใใๆใ ใฎใใธใงใณใฏๅคๆงใช็็ฉใ็นๆ ใใไบบใ ใ่ช็ถใ้ฉ ๅใซไฟ่ญทใใใใใฎๆดปๅใ่ชใ่กใใไบบใ ใฎ้่ฆใจ่ฑใใช็ๆดปใๅฎ็พใใใใใฎไธ ็ใงใ .
Plant-a-tree partner.
ๅฝผใใฏไธ็ไธญใฎๆคๆใๆ ฝๅนใใขใฐใญใใฉใฌในใใชใผใๆ่ก่ฃๅฉใ่กใชใฃใฆใใใณใ ใฅใใใฃใผใๆฏๆดใใฆใใพใใ็พๅจใพใงไธ็๏ผ๏ผใซๅฝไปฅไธใซใใใฆ๏ผ๏ผ๏ผ๏ผไธๆฌใ ใฎๆคๆใจ๏ผไธ๏ผๅใฎๅฐๅใซใใใๆฏๆดใ่กใชใฃใฆใใพใใ.
Saving rainforest. Protecting life.
ใใฎใใใชๆดปๅใ้ใใฆๆฌๅฃไฝใฏ็ตถๆป ใฎๅฑๆฉใซ็ใใ็็ฉ็จฎใจๅฑ้บใซใใใใใฆใ ใ็ฐๅขใๅฎใใใใฎๆดปๅใ่กใๅฐๅใธใฎๆฏๆดใ่กใชใฃใฆใใพใ.
้ป่ฉฑ็ชๅท : +39 3338815421
ใกใผใซใขใใฌในโ :
ใใใใฏไปฅไธใฎใใฉใผใ ใ่จๅ ฅใใฆใใ ใใ.
ใใชใใฏ็งใใใใงๆขใใใจใใงใใพใ: Via Accademia delle Scienze 11, (in front of the Egyptian Museum), 10123 Torino TO (Italy IT)ย Get directions here
ๅฅ็ดใฎๅ ๅฎนๅใณๆกไปถ
All elements of this website are protected by copyright, trade marking, moral rights and other laws relating to intellectual property rights. No part of this website, unless permitted within another agreement, may be copied or retransmitted by any means.
This site is designed for Chrome. Firefox and Safari are good, but the site has some issue with them. Microsoft Edge, well, you know…. please don’t use it. Just don’t.
์ ๊ธฐ
์ธ๋ฐ์คํฐ์๋ ธ ํ๋ผ๋ฆฌ(Sebastiano Ferrari)๋ 2009๋ ๋ถํฐ ๋ฐ๋ ๋ฐ์ด์ฌ๋ฆฐ ์ ์ํ๊ต(Civica Scuola di Liuteria del Comune di Milano)์์ ํ์ ์ ์์ํ๋ฉด์ ๋ฐ์ด์ฌ๋ฆฐ์ ๋ง๋ค๊ธฐ ์์ํ์์ต๋๋ค. ๊ทธ๋ ํด๋ผ์ฐ๋์ค ์นด๋ค๋ฐ๋ฆฌ(Claudio Canevari) ๊ต์์ ํ์ฌ๋ผ ๋ฒ ํค์ค(Paola Vecchio), ๊ฐ๋ธ๋ฆฌ์๋ ๋ค๊ทธ๋ฆฌ(Gabriele Negri), ๋ก๋ ์ด ๋ก์(Lorenzo Rossi), ์ง๋ํ์ ์ฐ๋ฑ์ผ๋ก ํ๊ต๋ฅผ ์กธ์ ํ์์ผ๋ฉฐ, ์กธ์ ํ๋ ๋์ ๋ฐ์ด์ฌ๋ฆฐ ์ ์ ์ํฌ์์์ ์ธํด์ผ๋ก ์ผํ์์ต๋๋ค.
๊ทธ๋ ํด๋ผ์ฐ๋์ค ์นด๋ค๋ฐ๋ฆฌ ๊ต์์ ๋์์ผ๋ก, ํ๋น์ ๋ํ(The University of Pavia)์ ์๋ฅด๋ฒ ๋ ์ฐ๊ตฌ์(Arvedi Laboratory)์ ํฌ๋ ๋ชจ๋ ๋ฐ์ด์ฌ๋ฆฐ ๋ฐ๋ฌผ๊ด(Violin Museum of Cremona)๊ณผ ์ฌ๋ฌ ๊ณต๋ ์์ ์ ์งํํ์์ต๋๋ค.
ํฌ๋ ๋ชจ๋ ๋ฐ์ด์ฌ๋ฆฐ ๋ฐ๋ฌผ๊ด์ ๊ณผํ ์ฐ๊ตฌ์์์ ๊ณต๋ ํ๋ก์ ํธ๋ก, 2014๋ ์๋ ์ฝ๋ก๋ ๊ณต์์์ ์ฌ๋จ(Cologni Foundation)์ผ๋ก๋ถํฐ ๋ฏธ์ ๊ณต์ํ ๋ถ๋ถ์์ ์ฅํ๊ธ์ ์์ฌ ๋ฐ๊ธฐ๋ ํ์์ต๋๋ค(
2016 – 2019 ๋ ์ดํ๋ถํฐ ๋ฐ๋ ๋ฐ์ด์ฌ๋ฆฐ ์ ์ํ๊ต์์ ๋ฐ์ด์ฌ๋ฆฐ ์กฐ๋ฆฝ๊ณผ ๋ฐ๋์ฑ ์์ ์ ๊ฐ๋ฅด์น๊ณ ์์ต๋๋ค.
๋ถํฐ ๊ทธ๋ ํ ๋ฆฌ๋
ธ์ San Filippo ๋ฐ์ด์ฌ๋ฆฐ ์ ์ ์์นด๋ฐ๋ฏธ์์ ๋ฐ์ด์ฌ๋ฆฐ ์ ์ ๊ณผ์ ๊ณผ ์ฒผ๋ก ์ ์์ ๊ด๋ฆฌํ๊ณ ์์ต๋๋ค.
๋ง์คํฐ ๋ฐ.
์ํฌ์ต ๋ฐ ํ๋ก์ ํธ:
Acoustic measurement in workshop; measurement of violin sound spectrum; fingerboard, tailpiece and bridge intonation; diagnosis problems and instrument characterization through rigidity and weight.
Relator: George Stoppani.
(Cremona 2013)
The strings influence in bow instruments.
Relator: Franz Klanner (Thomastik-Infeld technician)
(Cremona 2013)
Varnish studies in historical Italian bow instruments; macro and microscopic analysis on wood samples at different stages of varnishing.
Relator: Brigitte Brandmair, curator of โStradivari Varnishโ book.
(Cremona 2013).
โKnowledge for conservationโ. International science workshop on bow musical instruments.
โขMarco Malagodi: University of Pavia, Arvedi Research Laboratory, scientific consultant.
โขClaudio Canevari: University of Pavia, Arvedi Research Laboratory, scientific consultant, Violin Making school of Milan.
โขAugusto Sarti: teacher of electronics and information department of Polytechnic University of Milan.
โขGianni Ferretti: Vice rector of Polo territoriale di Cremona, Polytechnic University of Milan.
โขMats Tinnsten: Mid-Sweden University.
โขEnrico Ravina: University of Genoa.
โขJean Philippe Echad: Researcher in the restoration laboratory of Museum of Music in Paris
โขJayson Dobney: musical Instruments curator at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.
โขFrank P. Bar: Director of instrument collection in the Nuremberg Musical Instrument Museum.
โขArian Sheets: Curator of stringed instruments collection in the National Museum of Music (University of South Dakota)
(Cremona 2013)
Collaboration on the project, conducted by the Arvedi Research Laboratory hosted by University of Pavia, for materials classification used in linings and filling of Neapolitan mandolins from half of eighteenth century. Photos of analysis and samples withdrawals for subsequent analysis with electron microscopy and spectroscopy (SEM-EDS), micro-fluorescence (Microft-IR) and stratigraphy.
(Pavia 2013)
Collaboration on the project, conducted by Polytechnic University of Milan, hosted in Violin Museum of Cremona: investigation and ontologies studies for classification of sound.
(Cremona 2014)
Collaboration on the project, conducted by Polytechnic University of Milan and Arvedi Research Laboratory, hosted in Violin Museum of Cremona: looking for correlations between the structural elements of the violin with the timbre and acoustic of the instrument.
(Cremona 2014)
Violas of Antonio Stradivari at Museo del Violino
Relators:Bruno Giuranna and Bruce Carlson.
(Cremona 2015)
Instruments by Guarneri del Gesu at Museo del Violino.
Relator: Gregg Alf
(Cremona 2015)
Instruments of Giovanni Battista Guadagnini at Museo del Violino.
Relator: Eric Blot
(Cremona 2015)
Violin arching design and construction method by Robert Zuger.
Relator: Robert Zuger
(Cremona 2017)
๊ณ ๊ฐ ์๋น์ค
๋ณด์ฆ ๋ฐ ์ ์ง๊ด๋ฆฌ
์ ํ ๋ณด์ฆ์๊ฐ ์ ๊ธฐ์ ํจ๊ป ์ ๊ณต๋๋ฉฐ, ์ ๊ธฐ์ ๊ธฐ์ ์ ํน์ง, ์ฌ์ง, ์์ฌ ์ถ์ฒ๊ฐ ํฌํจ๋ฉ๋๋ค.
ํ์ํ ๋ชจ๋ ์กฐ์ ์ด ์ด๋ฃจ์ด์ง๊ณ ์ ๊ธฐ ์ฑ๋ฅ์ด ์ต์์ผ๋ก ๋ฐํ๋๊ธฐ ์ํด, ์ฐ์ฃผ์๋ค์๊ฒ ์ง์๊ธฐ๊ฐ์ด ์ฃผ์ด์ง๋๋ค. ์ ๊ธฐ์ ๋ชจ๋ ๋ถ๋ถ์ด ์ฌ๋ฐ๋ฅด๊ฒ ๊ธฐ๋ฅํ๊ธฐ ์ํด์ ์ฐ์ฃผ์๋ ์ผ์ ํ ์ ์ด ๋ฐ ์ ์ง ๊ด๋ฆฌ๋ฅผ ํ๋๋ก ๊ถ์ฅ๋ฉ๋๋ค.
ํ์๊ณผ ์ ๋ฌธ๊ฐ๋ค์ ์๊ตฌ์ ๋ฐ๋ฅธ ๋ค์ํ ์ข ๋ฅ์ ์ ๊ธฐ๊ฐ ์๋ ๊ฐ๋ฅ ํฉ๋๋ค
(๋ ์์ธํ ์ ๋ณด๋ฅผ ์ํด ์ฐ๋ฝ์ฒ ์์์ ์์ฑํ์ฌ ๋ฌธ์๋ฐ๋๋๋ค.)
๊ทธ๋ฆฐ ์์ ์ฅโ์ ์กฐ์ฑํ๊ณ ์ด ์ผ์ด ํ๊ฒฝ์ ๋ฏธ์น๋ ์ํฅ์ ์ต์ํํ๊ธฐ ์ํด ๋ค์ํ ์ค๋ฆฌ์ ์ ํ๋ค์ด ์ ์ฉ๋์์ต๋๋ค.:
– ์์ ์ฅ์ ์ค์ง ํ์์๋์ง์ ์ํด ์ด์๋๊ณ , ์น์ฌ์ดํธ ํธ์คํ ์ ํ๋ ฅ์๋์ง๊ฐ ์ฌ์ฉ๋ฉ๋๋ค.
– ์ ๊ธฐ ๊ณต์ ๊ณผ์ ์ ๊ฐ๋ฅํ ํ, ์ธ์ฆ๋ ์ผ๋ฆผ์ ๋ชฉ์ฌ๊ฐ ์ฌ์ฉ๋ฉ๋๋ค.
– ์ ๊ธฐ์ ์ฌ์ฉ๋๋ ๋ฐ๋์ฌ๋ ์ค์ง ์ฒ์ฐ ์๋ฃ(์์ฝ์ฌ ํน์ ์ค์ผ ๋ ์ง๊ณผ ๊ณ ๋ฌด)๋ก๋ถํฐ ๋ง๋ค์ด์ง๋๋ค.
– ํ ๊ฐ์ ์ ๊ธฐ๊ฐ ํ๋ฆด ๋๋ง๋ค ์์ต๊ธ์ 2%๊ฐ ์ฒ์ ์ฌ์กฐ์ฑํ๋๋ฐ ๊ธฐ๋ถ ๋ฉ๋๋ค. ์๋ ์ธ ๊ณณ์ ๋จ์ฒด๋ค ์ค ํ ๊ณณ์ ๊ธฐ๋ถ๋ฅผ ํ์ค ์ ์์ต๋๋ค. (๊ธฐ๋ถ๊ฐ ์ด๋ฃจ์ด์ง๋ฉด ๊ทํ๊ป์ ์ ํํ์ ๋จ์ฒด๋ก๋ถํฐ ์ธ์ฆ์๋ฅผ ๋ฐ๊ฒ ๋์ญ๋๋ค.)
Protecting nature. Preserving life.
๊ตญ์ ์์ฐ ๋ณดํธ ํํ(The Nature Conservancy)์ ์ฌ๋ช ์ ๋ชจ๋ ์๋ช ์ด ์์กดํ๋ ๋ ๊ณผ ๋ฌผ์ ๋ณดํธํ๋ ๊ฒ์ ๋๋ค. ์ ํฌ๋ ์๋ช ์ ๋ค์์ฑ์ด ๋ฒ์ฑํ๋ฉฐ, ์ฌ๋๋ค์ ์์ฐ ์์ฒด์, ์ฌ๋์ด ํ์ํ ๊ฒ์ ์ฑ์์ฃผ๊ณ ๋ํ ์ถ์ ํ์กฑํ๊ฒ ํด์ฃผ๋ ๋ฅ๋ ฅ์ ์ํด ์์ฐ์ ๋ณด์กด์ ํ์ฐ๋ ์ธ์์ ๊ฟ๊ฟ๋๋ค.
Plant-a-tree partner.
Trees for the Future ๋จ์ฒด๋ ์ข ์ ๋ถ๋ฐฐ, ์ฐ๋ฆผ๋์ ๊ต์ก ๋ฐ ๊ตญ๋ด ๊ธฐ์ ์ง์์ ํตํด ์ ์ธ๊ณ์ ์ง์ญ ์ฌํ๊ฐ ๋๋ฌด๋ฅผ ์ฌ๋๋ก ๋๊ณ ์์ต๋๋ค. ์ง๊ธ๊น์ง ์ ์ธ๊ณ 30๊ฐ๊ตญ์ ๋๋ผ์์ 6์ฒ5๋ฐฑ๋ง ๊ทธ๋ฃจ ์ด์์ ๋๋ฌด๋ฅผ ์ฌ์์ผ๋ฉฐ, ๋ํ ์ ์ธ๊ณ์ 11,000๊ฐ ์ด์์ ๋ง์์ ๋์์์ต๋๋ค.
Saving rainforest. Protecting life.
์ด ๋จ์ฒด๋ ํ ์ง, ๊ต์ก, ์๋ณธ ๋ฐ ์ฅ๋น๋ฅผ ์ ๊ณตํจ์ผ๋ก์จ, ๋ฉธ์ข ์๊ธฐ ์ข ๊ณผ ์ํ์ ์ฒํ ์ํ๊ณ๋ฅผ ๋ณด์ ํ ํ ์ง๋ฅผ ์งํค๋ ๊ฒ์ ๋ชฉํ๋ก ์ผ๊ณ ์์ต๋๋ค.
์ ํ๋ฒํธ: +39 3338815421
ํน์ ์๋ ์์์ ์์ฑ ํด ์ฃผ์ญ์์ค.
์ธ๋ฐ์คํฐ์๋ ธ ํ๋ผ๋ฆฌ(Sebastiano Ferrari)์ ์์ ์ฅ: Via Accademia delle Scienze 11, (in front of the Egyptian Museum), 10123 Torino TO (Italy IT)ย ย Get directions here
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